Welcome to the Whirled of WhirlyVids

Portrait + Panorama = WhirlyVid



...a new genre of documenting life with film...

...a new medium for making memories...

...a revolution in worldVIEW...




*The WhirlyVid is a new genre of film-portrait that will revolutionize the way trips, touring, and toddlers are documented. Let's face it, we're moved past the age of still-shots and BORING panoramas of the beautiful views we see when we climb a mountain, or top a building. And yet who wants another random, faceless jittery video of "my view from up here."

Now you can put yourself at the center of the world, where you know you belong, and all simply by turning the camera around to face you, and hitting "record." Now you can prove that it really was YOU that was atop that famous peak, get a sense for the view you had from up there, all while focusing your camera on what really is most important to you - yourself!

Get whirled up, and join the revolution, as the world revolves around YOU!



  1. Honestly, there are just so many words here. I do better with stick figures and bubble quotes.

  2. Don't worry...most of what this blog will be about is simply sitting back and watching the magic happen!

  3. Dear Whirlyvid,

    I love you and I hope you love me. Can't wait to see more.

