Welcome to the Whirled of WhirlyVids

Portrait + Panorama = WhirlyVid


Double Trouble @ Lincoln Memorial

Here's another of our reader submissions - Double Trouble at the Lincoln Memorial! 
Send your WhirlyVid submissions to: whirlyvid@gmail.com.


Now It's Your Turn...

...to whirl! Send your WhirlyVid submissions to: submissions@whirlyvid.com.

Here's one of our reader submissions, with it's own style and take on the WhirlyVid - The Office style!


WhirlyVids of London

Okay, it's taken months, literally, for the post-production on these. While visiting London in February 2010, I was amazed at how beautiful the city was - and that was with only the naked eye!

In this WhirlyVid, you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll be blown away, by seeing London properly "centered."

The "revolvution" has begun! Ahwoooo!


An Explanatory Note...

As you may have grasped already, the WhirlyVid is a groundbreaking new genre of film/foto documentation. It is hard to define and resists classification. That said, its intent is to move us into the 21st century of turning trips and special events into permanent memories.

Have you ever gotten home from a trip to a beautiful place, ready to dig through your pictures and relive the wonders time and time again, only to be utterly disappointed when those pictures just don't capture the place? You don't get a feel for the beauty that was all around when you shot the picture, or you forgot to capture some of the interesting folks wandering by, or you got thousands of shots of landscape, and not one of yourself.
Well, those days are now over. Just set your camera to "video" mode, turn it around, and dance in circles...this is, the WHIRLYVID!

Given the fact that WhirlyVids are intended to document trips, special events, or important moments, I must warn the thousands who are tuning in here daily, that these posts will not come daily. Instead look for new WhirlyVids here maybe a couple times a month.

I know in this day of instant access and instant gratification, that seems like a long time to wait, but I guarantee, what you'll miss in frequency, will more than be made up for in quality.


WhirlyVid Goes to Covent Garden...

...(the one that's in London). Enjoy!

A video is worth a million words, as they say. When I try to say it better, words fail me.

I guess one could say, if a picture is a thousand words, then a WhirlyVid is priceless!


WhirlyVid Alpha...

Here it is, the first WhirlyVid ever shot! I've left it in it's pristine, unedited, untouched glory. Enjoy!

This WhirlyVid was taken atop the taller of the Twin Peaks in San Francisco in the Spring of 2007.

The view was stunning, and I was driven to document my being there, while also sharing a glimpse of the stunning 360 degree view surrounding us.

Thus was birthed THE WHIRLYVID!


...a new genre of documenting life with film...

...a new medium for making memories...

...a revolution in worldVIEW...




*The WhirlyVid is a new genre of film-portrait that will revolutionize the way trips, touring, and toddlers are documented. Let's face it, we're moved past the age of still-shots and BORING panoramas of the beautiful views we see when we climb a mountain, or top a building. And yet who wants another random, faceless jittery video of "my view from up here."

Now you can put yourself at the center of the world, where you know you belong, and all simply by turning the camera around to face you, and hitting "record." Now you can prove that it really was YOU that was atop that famous peak, get a sense for the view you had from up there, all while focusing your camera on what really is most important to you - yourself!

Get whirled up, and join the revolution, as the world revolves around YOU!